Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 -bye !

A note of thanks for a all the special people who've loved me....made me feel special ... changed me (for the good) ....and who stood by me .. believed in me ..

1. Mom and Dad . thanks for all that you did ...and you will do ...this year a lot of things happened and i realized how much u both mean to me much i mean to you ... and thanks for always believing in me ..for understanding for standing by my side .

2. my ex-boyfriend and the friend i found in you .thanks for being there and for all the beautiful moments we shared. ! p.s i still love you . (even more)

3. A friend who is more than friend -a sister..who is always there for me... understood me when no one did and always loved me thanks for bearing me all through these 14 years .. i hope we'll always remain best of friends.

4. A friend who is there for me even in the darkest hour ...who listen to all the stupid things i say when i am drunk ...some one i can call at 4 am just like that . some one who was there when i was in a big trouble ... the one with whom i got my tattoo done..some with whom i smoked hookah for the first time..with whom i hangout most of the time ..thank you - everything u do is acknowledged !

5. A friend ....who sneaks me beer cans though he doesn't even touch alcohol .... who solves most of my problems ...and some one who really believes in me and trusts me and would never give up on me- thanks a lot !

6. All my blogger friends ... who read my posts and comment .... you always encourage me . thank you all for your love and support.

7. My new found college friends ... thanks for being my friend ... and let me tell you , you have beard me at my worst when for what ever reasons i was not the person i am ..when i was upset for reasons you don't even have an idea of- thank you

8. Vodafone 89 message pack ..... you help me overcome my sadness and loneliness...thanks for the unlimited texting and ruining my studies .

9. Shakespeare .. who recently got associated with my blog (ARIEL - the kind spirit in one of his plays , The tempest to be precise)

10.MOTOROLA v3i my first phone ...for storing all those beautiful memories .... for being there with me in my loneliest hours ... when all i had was you and the beautiful songs i stored in you !
thanks for being the best companion !

11. All the people who've hated me ,belittled me, criticized me ...thank you for letting me know the kind of person i don't want to be .. !

LAST but not the least SAI BABA ... thanks for all the strength ..this was one hell of a year . thanks helping me cope up with the stress .

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Through the broken panes she tries to see
she has reasons
and knows what it means to be free
for her thats the only way to be

dreams lead her life
some reality too
her brain and heart torn by a strife
to strike a balance for her is a drive

sometimes she thinks she should let go
but then she asks why ?
its her choice not to go with the flow
not her business to think if it gives people a blow !
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